The sun is also a star / ; By Yoon, Nicola,

Format:Natasha is a girl who believes in science and facts. Daniel has always been a good son and good student. But when he sees Natasha he forgets all that and believes there is something extraordinary in store for both of them.
Physical Details: 348 pages ; 22 cm
Notes:Includes an excerpt from Yoon's book Everything, everything.
Record No.:369501
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F YOO Birchwood Intermediate School 2023-05-30 BISX17715
02. English Fiction F YOO East Wiltshire Intermediate School 2023-06-14 EWSX16789
02. English Fiction F YOO Summerside Intermediate School 2023-06-27 SISX27069
02. English Fiction F YOO Summerside Intermediate School 2023-06-27 SISX27071
02. English Fiction F YOO Summerside Intermediate School 2023-06-27 SISX27072
02. English Fiction F YOO Birchwood Intermediate School 2024-06-13 BISX17109
02. English Fiction F YOO Charlottetown Rural High School 2023-04-17 CRHS22105
02. English Fiction F YOO Athena Consolidated School 2024-06-04 ACSX24635
02. English Fiction F YOO Bluefield High School 2023-03-30 BLUE28072
02. English Fiction F YOO Morell Regional High School 2019-02-26 MRHS8169