Along for the ride : ; By Dessen, Sarah.

Format:When Auden impulsively goes to stay with her father, stepmother, and new baby sister the summer before she starts college, all the trauma of her parents' divorce is revived, even as she is making new friends and having new experiences such as learning to ride a bike and dating.
Publisher:New York, N.Y. : Viking,
Physical Details: 383 p. ; 22 cm.
Record No.:100732
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F DES Stonepark Intermediate School 2024-06-27 STPK14929
02. English Fiction Kinkora Regional High School 2013-10-07
02. English Fiction F DES Westisle Composite High School 2019-01-23 WCHS27691
02. English Fiction F DES Englewood School 2018-09-12 ENGL9385
02. English Fiction F DES Westisle Composite High School 2018-10-09 WCHS27313
02. English Fiction F DES Charlottetown Rural High School 2014-09-15 CRHS16621
02. English Fiction F DES Morell Regional High School 2017-11-16 MRHS6243
02. English Fiction F DES Morell Consolidated School 2015-02-27 MORC8866
02. English Fiction F DES Englewood School 2023-10-25 ENGL10408
02. English Fiction F DES Hernewood Junior High School 2022-06-21 HERN9132
02. English Fiction F DES Charlottetown Rural High School 2024-06-05 CRHS16622
02. English Fiction F DES East Wiltshire Intermediate School 2021-06-29 ewsx12557